Management Philosophy


Cambridge teams members belong to a “Collective Flow”

Essential Policies:

  1. Team Members will increase our working speed.
  2. Team Members will work to increase their efficiency every day.
  3. Team Members will stretch ourselves to greatly increase sales.
  4. Team Members will make efforts to increase our range of products.
  5. Team Members will strive together as a single team.

Quality, Environmental and Risk Management Policy:

Our company has established a Quality, Environmental and Risk Management policies in order to ensure customer satisfaction, increase environmental preservation, maintain managed resources and fulfill our duties to society, and in order to effectively and continuously comply with these policies, we hereby pledge:

Compliance to all local environmental law and other provisions in approved environmental guidelines
Compliance with customer requirements
Employment of operational measures with considerations for reducing environmental impacts
Contribution to society through measures to promote stable product provision
To make environmental impact risk reduction efforts in product manufacturing and provision
As President, I shall periodically review objectives and targets based upon these policies via the Management Review process
These polivies shall be ditributed to all employees and business partners, and made public via our corporate website or other media

10 March, 2013
Kondoh Industries, Ltd.
Cambridge Filter Japan, Ltd.
Yoshitoki Kondoh, President and CEO